d20 Astronaut Pins are now available! August 05 2016

I'm very excited to reveal the d20 Astronaut pins!

✨Limited Edition 300✨

Pin 'em on your hats, jacket, bag of holding, or anything you want to ornament! Comes in five variants (with different rarities): CMYK, Old-School, Glow in the Dark, Frankenglitter, and a no-fill. They make for a decent buff your charisma stat.

d20 Astronaut Soft Enamel Pin: CMYK Variantd20 Astronaut Soft Enamel Pin: CMYK Variant

d20 Astronaut Soft Enamel Pin: Old-School Variantd20 Astronaut Soft Enamel Pin: Old-School Variant

d20 Astronaut Soft Enamel Pin: Frankenglitter Variantd20 Astronaut Soft Enamel Pin: Frankenglitter Variant

d20 Astronaut Soft Enamel Pin: Glow in the Dark Variantd20 Astronaut Soft Enamel Pin: Glow in the Dark Variant

d20 Astronaut Soft Enamel Pin: Glow in the Dark Variant (effect)d20 Astronaut Soft Enamel Pin: Glow in the Dark Variant (effect)

d20 Astronaut Soft Enamel Pin: Raw (no-fill) Variantd20 Astronaut Soft Enamel Pin: Raw (no-fill) Variant

How many d20 Astronaut Pins are there for each variant style, you ask?

Style Variant Size
CMYK 120
Glow in the Dark 60
Frankenglitter 60
Old-School 40
Raw (no fill) 20


Each pin is signed and numbered. The pins feature a double post design and come with PVC Rubber backing. More details are available on the d20 Astronaut Pin page in the shop.


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Instagram: @breshnyda

Contact: lee@breshnyda.com

Buy art prints from the artist at http://breshnyda.com

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